The science is very clear. The concentration of carbon dioxide (and other so-called “greenhouse” gases) is increasing and this is leading to an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere. Without arguing about the the details of why this is happening, the science of the above statement is undeniable. Adding to this, the knowledge that human pollution is adding about 45 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere each year, then it really disturbs me when I see some of the useless emissions that we create every year. It’s extremely urgent that we avoid adding more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, yet we add extra for no useful purpose whatsoever. Argh!

What are we celebrating here?
Sometimes I’m concerned that seemingly minor things seem to irritate me significantly. I took the photo above from my television last year. During a cricket game in the UK, they used flames to celebrate and “create an atmosphere”. Ironic to use that word “atmosphere” here because they’re adding more carbon dioxide to the ever warming atmosphere that we live in. We’ve just been through the COP26 meeting and realised (temporarily?) how urgent it is to reduce our pollution, and then we see these useless emissions being created at a sporting event. It makes me mad.
When I first saw this, it really struck me that a stadium full of people were cheering as the flame throwers released their energy, and added more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. It was almost as if the people where cheering the addition of more warming gases into the atmosphere, just after all the issues raised at COP26. It will sound extreme, but it felt to me like a group of people standing around and cheering a hunter who just killed one of the few elephants left on the planet.

Little things matter
When it comes to greenhouse gas pollution and the warming of the atmosphere, we’re in an absolute emergency situation. There is no time left to wait and there are some very big challenges that we have to tackle. If we don’t get on with this urgently, we’ll not be able to slow the degradation of the climate enough and it will become extremely uncomfortable for us.
Even though there are big topics to deal with, little things matter too. And the burning of fossils fuels at a sporting event just to create an impact is one of those small things. It’s a symbol that we just don’t get it. We don’t realise that we’re adding pollution to the atmosphere that we don’t have to, and this pollution is accelerating the heating of the Earth (a process already well underway). It’s a relatively little thing, but let’s stop it! No more useless burning of fossil fuels for such things as “celebrating”. And let’s find all the other little things where we pollute for no reason, and stop those as well.
Let’s be serious. Let’s stop all useless emissions. Let’s buy ourselves some time to fix this problem
We can fix this, but no more useless emissions
Let’s not get depressed about global warming. There’s no point in that. At least we understand what’s happening now and what the mechanism is, so we have a chance to do the things that will be needed to keep the temperature of our atmosphere within a relatively comfortable range. But we have act seriously and urgently. Every kilogram of greenhouse gases that is released into the atmosphere simply increases the warming and makes our task harder.
These useless emissions that I’ve highlighted here are, for the most part, a glaring signal that we don’t understand our predicament and the urgent need to find solutions. Please eliminate all useless emissions now. Immediately. If ever we create greenhouse gas emissions, let’s be sure we understand what we’re doing and verify that we’re only doing so because their isn’t a viable alternative yet.

Related Links – Useless Emissions
- It didn’t take much of a search to find companies that provide this type service for “celebrations” or “creation of atmosphere” at sporting events. For example
- I don’t like to pick on companies that are just trying to make a success of what they do and, as can easily be pointed out, there is a demand for this type of service. However, we now understand the direct link between greenhouse gas emissions and the warming of our atmosphere, so we simple must eliminate all useless emissions. Not just these ones, all.
- Drink water to reduce CO2 emissions?
- The Natural Thermostat and CO2 – from Life in the Right Direction
- Lockdown and Private Jets – from
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